As a business owner, maintaining a clean and hygienic office is essential not only for your company’s image but also for the well-being of your staff. Offices are high-traffic areas, and they’re often breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. When ignored, these unseen germs can spread illnesses, leading to reduced productivity and higher absenteeism rates.

To help you create a healthier work environment, we’ve identified the top 10 germ hotspots in your office and provided expert tips on how to tackle them effectively.

1. Keyboards and Computer Mice

Employees use their keyboards and mice for hours each day, often while eating or touching various surfaces. As a result, these devices are prime locations for germs to gather. According to studies, keyboards can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat.

How to Tackle It:

  • Provide disinfectant wipes so employees can clean their keyboards and mice regularly.
  • Encourage staff to avoid eating at their desks.
  • Consider scheduled professional cleaning to sanitise all office equipment.

2. Phone Handsets

Shared office phones, particularly in reception areas or call centers, are often touched by multiple people throughout the day. This makes them a hotspot for bacteria and viruses, including those that cause the common cold and flu.

How to Tackle It:

  • Regularly wipe down phone handsets with antibacterial wipes or sprays.
  • Provide each employee with their own headset or phone where possible.
  • Include phone sanitation in routine cleaning schedules.

3. Door Handles

Door handles and knobs are one of the most frequently touched surfaces in any office. Every time someone opens a door, they transfer germs from their hands to the handle, making it easy for germs to spread between people.

How to Tackle It:

  • Clean door handles with disinfectant multiple times a day.
  • Install hands-free doors or door-opening tools to minimize contact.
  • Offer hand sanitiser stations near entrances and exits to encourage employees to clean their hands.

4. Breakroom and Kitchen Surfaces

The breakroom is where employees prepare and eat food, so it’s crucial to keep it hygienic. However, the countertops, coffee machines, microwaves, and communal dishware are often hotspots for bacteria and mold growth, especially when spills aren’t cleaned up promptly.

How to Tackle It:

  • Ensure countertops and appliances are wiped down with disinfectant regularly.
  • Encourage employees to wash their hands before using the kitchen and after handling food.
  • Use disposable utensils or assign personal dishware to each employee.

5. Shared Office Equipment (Printers, Scanners, Copiers)

Office printers, copiers, and scanners are used by multiple employees throughout the day, leading to a build-up of bacteria and germs on the buttons, touchscreens, and trays.

How to Tackle It:

  • Clean shared equipment daily, paying close attention to buttons and handles.
  • Encourage employees to sanitise their hands after using these devices.
  • Limit the number of people who use the same equipment by assigning devices to specific departments.

6. Elevator Buttons

Elevators are frequently used by everyone in the office building, and the buttons are touched countless times daily. This makes them a high-risk area for germ transmission, especially in multi-floor offices.

How to Tackle It:

  • Clean elevator buttons with disinfectant wipes or sprays several times a day.
  • Encourage employees to use a pen or knuckle to press buttons rather than their fingers.
  • Place hand sanitiser dispensers near elevators for easy access.

7. Office Desks

While employees may think of their desks as personal space, they’re often home to a variety of germs, especially if they eat at their desks or don’t regularly clean them. Items like pens, notebooks, and coffee cups can also harbor bacteria.

How to Tackle It:

  • Promote a clean desk policy where employees are encouraged to clear and disinfect their desks at the end of each day.
  • Provide cleaning supplies such as disinfectant wipes for easy maintenance.
  • Arrange for professional deep cleaning of workstations on a regular basis.

8. Restrooms

It’s no surprise that office restrooms are a major germ hotspot. Germs can linger on faucet handles, soap dispensers, toilet flush handles, and door locks if they aren’t cleaned frequently.

How to Tackle It:

  • Clean restrooms thoroughly multiple times a day, focusing on high-touch areas.
  • Ensure soap dispensers are regularly stocked, and provide paper towels or hand dryers.
  • Install touchless faucets and flush systems to reduce direct contact with surfaces.

9. Water Coolers and Coffee Stations

Communal water coolers and coffee machines are convenient but also prime spots for germ transmission, as employees often touch the same levers, buttons, and handles to serve themselves drinks.

How to Tackle It:

  • Encourage employees to use personal water bottles and coffee mugs.
  • Regularly disinfect buttons and handles on these machines.
  • Consider offering touchless or automated beverage dispensers.

10. Light Switches

Light switches are often overlooked during regular cleaning, but they’re one of the most touched surfaces in an office. With multiple employees turning lights on and off throughout the day, these switches can quickly become germ hotspots.

How to Tackle It:

  • Clean light switches daily as part of the office’s regular cleaning routine.
  • Install motion-sensor lighting in common areas to reduce the need for contact.
  • Encourage staff to use hand sanitiser after touching shared surfaces like light switches.


One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs is through proper handwashing. Many germs can be transferred through hands, making it crucial for employees to wash their hands regularly, especially after using shared spaces or handling food.

By focusing on these top 10 germ hotspots, you can significantly reduce the spread of illness in your office. Regular cleaning, combined with good hygiene practices and professional cleaning services, is essential for maintaining a healthy work environment. Prioritising cleanliness not only keeps your employees safe but also boosts productivity by reducing sick days.

To ensure your office remains germ-free, consider partnering with a professional cleaning service that understands the importance of maintaining a hygienic workspace. With regular, thorough cleaning, you can tackle these germ hotspots and create a cleaner, safer environment for your employees and clients.

Ready to keep your office spotless and germ-free? Contact us today for expert cleaning solutions tailored to your business. Let us help you create a healthier, more productive work environment.